Mezzo Soprano Daily Vocal Workout - 10 Exercises for Mezzos

3 years ago

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    This is the Aussie Vocal Coach Complete Mezzo Soprano Vocal Workout. This set of vocal exercises is designed as a daily vocal workout to strengthen and improve your mezzo vocal range.
    Vocal Exercise 1 (00:26) Forward Resonance using the M, N and NG sounds.
    Vocal Exercise 2 (02:57) Balancing Tone in Chest Voice using the 5 Vowels
    Vocal Exercise 3 (07:00) Sustaining Your Lower Range
    Vocal Exercise 4a (8:37) Lip Trill
    Vocal Exercise 4b (10:12) Tongue Trill
    Vocal Exercise 5 (12:00) Sustaining a Light Head Voice
    Vocal Exercise 6 (14:12) Sustaining Head Voice Large Intervals
    Vocal Exercise 7 (16:34) Pharyngeal Resonance for Power
    Vocal Exercise 8 (18:21) Blending Mixed Voice
    Vocal Exercise 9 (21:08) Vocal Agility
    Vocal Exercise 10 (23:03) Sustaining Your Range
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