The Good, the Bad and the Ugly - The Danish National Symphony Orchestra (Live)

2 years ago

  • #TuvaSemmingsen #DNSO #FilmmusicLIVE
    The Good, the Bad and the Ugly
    Composed by Ennio Morricone
    Various flutes: Hans Ulrik, Russell Itani
    Vocals: Tuva Semmingsen & Christine Nonbo Andersen
    Conducted by Sarah Hicks
    Orchestral arrangement/adaption from original recording: Martin Nygård Jørgensen
    Set design design: Nikolaj Trap
    Light design: Mikael Sylvest
    Director of photography: Karsten Andersen
    Performed and recorded in DR Koncerthuset 2018
    All rights reserved DR2018

    Category : Ajánló


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