Restoring Glory: Glenn Gould's CD318

2 years ago

  • The National Arts Centre unveiled pianist Glenn Gould's favourite piano, the Steinway CD318, and chair on Wednesday June 20, 2012. Both items will be on permanent display at the NAC, along with Canadian directors Peter Raymont and Michèle Hozer's documentary "Genius within: The Inner life of Glenn Gould."
    Gould was hailed as one of the 20th century's greatest musicians because of his highly personal and controversial musical interpretations. Gould travelled around the world with his famed piano until it was dropped in 1971. Though it had been extensively repaired, Gould couldn't bring himself to play the piano. Soon after his death in 1982, the piano and chair came into the possession of the Library and Archives Canada. It was transferred to the NAC late last year.

    Pianist Jan Lisiecki, 17, was invited to be the first person to play on the legendary instrument since its installation in the NAC. Centretown News talked to Lisiecki as well as the NAC's Rosemary Thompson to learn more about Gould and his piano.

    Category : Ajánló


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