Euronews English Live

  • Hello and welcome to Euronews live, our top stories:
    ➡️ Stay at home! Belgium and Germany enter their second national lockdowns: non-essential businesses are shut and social contact is limited.
    ➡️ The push for Pennsylvania! In the final few days of campaigning for the White House, both President Trump and his Democratic rival Joe Biden target the critical swing state.
    ➡️ Will Moldova move East or West? Preliminary results from the presidential election show the country is heading for a run-off vote between the pro-Russia incumbent Igor Dodon and his pro-Europe challenger Maia Sandu.
    ➡️ Opposition parties in Georgia protest as the incumbent Georgian Dream claims victory in parliamentary elections
    ➡️ What is the impact of the US Presidential election on EUROPE's relationship with America? Our political editor takes a look at the tensions in the current transatlantic relationship and how the person at the helm of the White House could change it!
    ➡️ And... corruption in our cuisine. If it's adding coloured dyes or diluting food with other ingredients... European researchers show us how spices like Saffron and Tumuric are being meddled with as they get to market - we look at the fraud in our food.
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